Covers: 1,750 sq. ft. for new lawns and 3,500 sq. ft. for overseeding.
-Quick germination and lawn establishment
-Dark green color and disease resistance
*For new lawns loosen the top 2-3 inches of soil. Remove debris-stick, stones, etc. Break up dirt clumps larger than a half dollar. Avoid too fine soil. Level areas where excess water might collect.
*For existing lawns mow grass as short as possible. Loosen top 1/4″ of soil in bare spots. Remove debris and dead grass. Level areas where excess water collects.
Once you’ve completed the steps above it’s time to plant the seeds. Spread seed evenly by hand in small areas. Use hand or lawn spreader in larger areas. TIP: Too many seeds too close together causes seedlings to fight for room and nutrients. Grass may be weak or thin in these areas. Lightly rake seed bed with no more than 1/4″ soil. Cover with shredded hay. Water often to keep seed beds moist to enhance germination. Water lightly daily (don’t saturate) until new grass is two inches high.
Pure seed:33.11% pharaoh perennial ryegrass, 32.91% asp0117 perennial ryegrass, 31.50% exacta 11 glsr perennial ryegrass, 1.56% other crop seed, 0.92% inert matter
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